Brighton photography courses and workshops

Brighton By Night Photography Walk

Side view of yellow lit Brighton Bandstand in the night in blue background sky. Photo by Eva Kalpadaki.

    Wednesday 20 November 2024     

Cost: £38 full, £32 concession


Duration: 4 hours

                18:30 - 22:30

Where: meet at Evolution Arts based in the Brighton Buddhist Centre.

Group Size: 8 students 

Note: The workshop will be rescheduled in case the weather is not good

Low angle view of Brighton houses brightly lit in yellow colour with blue sky night sky as background. Photo by Eva Kalpadaki.

Brighton By Night Photo Walk Themes

- Long Exposure in Bulb setting

- ISO and f/stop settings

- Light Painting

- Combination of Flash with Ambient Light

- Light experimentations

Brighton By Night Photography Walk

Brighton Outdoor Workshop


In this workshop I will guide you how to capture the magic of Brighton by Night in an explorative and experimental play with Night Photography.

- Have you ever struggled with what kind of settings to use to get those trailing lights?
- Do you want to use light as a brush tool to explode your creativity?

I will introduce you to the basic techniques which we will practise around Brighton and open the way for a whole new world in your creativity.

Along the way, I will be giving you constructive feedback and advice on how to improve your night photography and I will be encouraging you to share your photos with your peers.

All levels welcome




At the end of the workshop you will be able to:


- demonstrate a critical understanding of the basic principles of night photography by identifying and discussing different aspects and elements of a night photograph


- demonstrate a practical engagement with night photography by taking your own photographs


- critically reflect on the making of your own images and discuss the creative process behind them



General Workshop Outline


Meeting at Brighton Buddhist Centre


Explaining briefly the main workshop themes with student contributions and questions


Extended Practice Session

You will be taking night photographs walking along Brighton centre and/or seafront and applying the workshop themes into practice.

You can follow the tasks I will be giving you or you can choose to shoot freely after you feel confident with the basics. I will be answering your questions and giving you individual attention and practical tips on how to achieve your desired results by controlling your camera settings.



I will be giving you feedback along our practice session during and at the end of each practical assignment and I will be encouraging you to share your photos with your peers and contribute to each other's photos with constructive feedback.


At the end of the workshop, I will be sending you e-handouts by email.

Camera guidelines

- Ideally, an SLR or mirrorless camera with a BULB setting(digital if you want digital, film if you want film) are the best types of cameras you can have if you want to really explore and experiment with photography

- basic knowledge of how to use your camera although not absolutely necessary
- a camera that can shoot at least 30 secs of long exposure shots and/or have a BULB setting
- a tripod 
- a flash ( the inbuilt camera flash or an external one if you have one)
- warm clothes if the night is cold
- enthusiasm and imagination


Refund & Cancellation Policy

Check with Evolution Arts at as the course is run through them.

Minimum Age

18 years old is the minimum age for participants to attend the workshop on their own.

For younger children please contact me.